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5 Impressive Website Design Features That Can Set Your Business Apart From Your Competition

Web Design Brainstorming

We recently sat down with VisionFriendly.com website designers, Kyle Lisson and Dado Karabegovic to learn about some of the most unique website design elements that clients are excited to see land on their website design projects. We bet that once you learn about these features (and see them in action), you’ll want them on your website, too.

Social Media Feeds
If you have a brand that leans on social media to attract customers, applying Social Media Feeds on your website makes complete sense to do. This feature automatically imports social media content onto your website with a clean look and smooth functionality. Whether it’s a photo or video that gets added on your company Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube pages, posts will automatically feed onto your website. When visitors click on the images or videos, they remain on the website – no need to launch new browser windows. It’s pretty slick. Check out a sample of this… here.

Full-Screen Background Video
As we all know, first impressions are everything with a website design. Large static home page photos have been around for a while, but what’s unique (and more impressive) is dynamic home page imagery. Full-screen background video allows you to experience a brand, product, or service without needing to stop and read about it or click throughout a website until you get a clear understanding of who they are and what they do. This option enables a brand to provide a complete experience, without having to embed a video for them to click on. This imagery immediately launches when the website loads. With impressive video imagery front-and-center, it’s eliminates the chances of customers leaving your website. See a sample of this… here.

Abandon Cart Notifications
Ever shopped online and during the checkout process you either became distracted or maybe your conscience took over causing your buyers-remorse to kick in and make you abruptly end the session without completing the checkout process? You’re not the only one. Almost 70% of shopping carts are abandoned… and most of them don’t come back. Crazy huh? Think of the potential amount of revenue that gets left on the table month-after-month, year-after-year. Don’t you wish there was a way to get those shoppers to come back and finish their purchases? There is! With the Abandoned Cart Notifications feature, when shoppers abandon their checkout sessions, a pretty nifty email later gets sent to the user, letting them know that they left items in their shopping cart. It’s like a in-store cashier finding you in the parking lot, letting you know that you accidentally left items on the cashier line conveyer belt. Of course, you’d get some strange looks from other shoppers… but, you know you get the point. The notification email invites them to return to the website and complete the shopping experience. This email notification can be creatively written, such as ‘Where’d you go? You didn’t complete your purchase!” or “You left us hangin’. Come back to finish the checkout process!” However you choose to convey the email message, abandoned cart notifications are known to help recover 10% of shopping carts that are flagged as incomplete transactions. Honestly, this design feature is a no-brainer – a must-have for any online store website.

Custom Mega Menu
We find ourselves adding this feature more often with website redesigns. It’s because it happens to be an area of a website that customers have learned they need to improve. The Custom Mega Menu feature allows companies to showcase their site’s main components front-and-center with clear-to-view page links and sections. This menu option gives the user a better experience, especially when it comes to searching for key information, such as product and service information, as well as contact and location information. With a Custom Mega Menu, businesses can deliver the company’s most important information in a snap-shot. Knowing that visitors limit their browsing time to a few seconds before they potential feel the need to leave after not finding what they’re searching for, it’s important to provide the most valuable information with a Custom Mega Menu. Check out a sample of this feature… here.

Fluid Responsive Design
Google is one reason why website designers have focused on building websites that need to look and function well on mobile devices. According to Google, websites that are ‘mobile-friendly’ will rank higher in search engine results. The purpose is to accommodate the majority of internet users who are known to first access the Internet using their phones or tablets. So, when it comes to designing websites that need the mobile functionality, our designers take it a step up. Our Fluid Responsive Design is not only a feature that ‘looks good on mobile’, it’s also what we call our ‘looks good everywhere’ design. This feature allows us to design websites to be extremely presentable (and pretty spectacular) on mobile and desktop browsers. Unlike other website design agencies that design for ‘mobile-only’ or ‘mobile-first’… we design for any device that runs a website browser. Not only that, our awesome website designers can also design for landscape mobile viewing, too! Seriously… there’s not much our designers can’t do. Find a sample of this feature… here. (Make sure to check it out on your mobile device, too!)

Interested in seeing any or all of these features on your website? Schedule your Complimentary Brainstorming Session to get started.

About the Author:

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VisionFriendly.com is a Chicago digital marketing agency with over 25 years of experience helping clients nationwide. We have an in-house team of marketers and creatives ready to improve your business’s marketing operations.

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