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Website Optimization Improves Advertising Investments

Website Optimization Can Improve Your Advertising Investments

Whether it’s print or digital, much of today’s advertising is designed around attracting customers to your website. This makes sense, given that it’s your marketing home base, designed to fit all of the information regarding your business in one convenient location. When new customers arrive, user experience is important. Website Optimization is about increasing visibility and making it easy for users to take action.

This is crucial because we have about three seconds to make that almighty first impression, and if customers aren’t impressed in that window, they’re almost certainly gone. In order to maximize your advertising budget, it’s critical to pay attention to user experience and making sure everything is working as it should.

What Exactly is Website Optimization and What’s Involved?

Website optimization is about improving your website’s performance in various areas including traffic, conversion rates, and general usability. The main objective is to create a smooth digital experience that converts web traffic into happy, paying customers.

The strategies and tactics involved in website optimization can be overwhelming. By understanding the specific outcomes you’re looking for, you can maximize the impact of your efforts while limiting unnecessary spending. Website optimization encompasses:

Improving site speed
Creating an internal linking structure
Optimizing for mobile
Optimizing content
Optimizing for search
Reviewing page analytics and user behavior
Implementing an A/B testing strategy to determine highest-performing content and layouts

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The Benefits of Website Optimization

When you’re looking to maximize your advertising budget, it helps to look at various aspects of website optimization to ensure that it’s as easy as possible for customers to do business with you. With proper website optimization, you can:

1. Boost Web Traffic

Optimized web content and following technical SEO strategies can help you attract more visitors through higher search rankings.

2. Improve Ad Conversions

As you optimize page content, it’s important to think through the customer journey so you can make the path to completing your call to action easier. By doing so, you’ll have the opportunity to increase ad conversions, leading to higher revenues.

3. Enhance the Brand

Website optimization generates higher brand awareness and visibility through the ability to attract larger audiences. An improved user experience will also leave customers feeling good when they visit your site.  


Compliance with Web Accessibility Standards

When you optimize your website, it’s important to include strategies that can make your site ADA compliant. (Read our post about ADA compliance and SEO.) This can have significant benefits for your website’s visibility.

The Challenges with Website Optimization

Website optimization isn’t a simple one-time project. It’s more of an ongoing process with many moving parts that encompass everything from the content and design to back-end coding and development. Some aspects of the optimization process are more complex and technical than others. Because of this, the optimization strategies you decide to implement from your site may involve the skill sets of multiple people on your team.

It will take time to see the long-term results from your efforts. Results will need to be tracked before and after the work is done to determine the progress that is made.

Hire a Website Optimization Company to Maximize Your Advertising

Using print and online ads to attract users to your website is only half the battle. User behavior matters, when they get to your front doorstep. That’s where an in-depth website optimization effort can help ensure the quality of the customer experience. This is crucial when you’re paying for PPC or other advertising.

You might have the internal skills to be able to take care of website optimization efforts in-house.If not, hiring a company well-versed with this skill can help. The experts at VisionFriendly.com can help you with conversions and other aspects of website optimization. Right now, we’re running a special on Conversion Rate Optimization services. Take advantage of these services now, and we’ll throw in our Analytics Reporting for free (a $500 value).

If you have any questions, or would like to maximize your advertising investments and make the customer journey seamless, contact us today!

About the Author:

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VisionFriendly.com is a Chicago digital marketing agency with over 25 years of experience helping clients nationwide. We have an in-house team of marketers and creatives ready to improve your business’s marketing operations.

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